Remember how you could use the Scrapbook to group items in Pagemaker. Wasn't it wonderful to have scaleable text and graphics groups just by using the place command. Well with PM V4.01, that functionality is gone (at least I can't make it work) so here's a little workaround until the folks at Aldus releases a new version of System 7 PageMaker!!!
PM4 Scrapbook
Basically the PM4 scrapbook is just the V6.0.7 scrapbook DA set up as a standalone program for System 7. It has been HEAVILY RESedited to add System 7 support for color icons and BNDL resources for the System 7 finder.
To install the PM4 Scrapbook program, just unpack it and drag it to Apple Menu items. Then whenever you want to group some items using the scrapbook method of old, just use PM4 Scrapbook off the Apple menu and paste in your text. It will create a new scrapbook called PM4 Scrapbook File in your system folder. If you want the cool PM4 Scrapbook File icon, just use RESedit (or your favorite file editor) to copy the -15999 ICL8 icon from PM4 Scrapbook into the paste buffer and then do a get info on the "PM4 Scrapbook File" (located in your system folder), click on the icon and paste in the custom icon. Or just place the PM4 Scrapbook File included in this kit in your system folder and you won't have to muck with RESedit.
You can accomplish the same thing using the current scrapbook if you're really into hacking up file types. Pagemaker looks for the old TYPE field in order to identify the scrapbook file. Because System 7 has a different file type and creator, Pagemaker dosen't see the System 7 scrapbook. You can use Disktop, RESedit, Norton, DiskTools or whatever to change to change the System 7 file TYPE. Using RESedit, select get info on the System 7 "Scrapbook File" in the System folder. Change the file TYPE from "scbk" to "ZSYS" and leave the creator unchanged. Save the changes and PageMaker should be able to place the file. OR you can just use PM4 Scrapbook and not muck with all that stuff. . . .
This seems to work just fine under System 7.0 and Pagemaker 4.01. Use at your own risk, I do!!!
Version History
V1.0 - Modified to use color icons.
V1.01 - Bug introduced. Didn't create the correct TYPE of ZSYS for Pagemaker. Couldn't place the scrapbook into PM.
V1.02 - Corrected bug with TYPE field. Now creates the scrapbook file with the correct code in the TYPE field Also pasted custom icon into PM4 Scrapbook file.